All the pictures on this page belong to my niece Shelley, she was generous enough to share them so that I as well as others could also enjoy their beauty.
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TO DO MORE OF MY PUZZLES OR VISIT MY OTHER SITES CLICK ON THE LINKS BELOW who generously made this puzzle page possible. Visit their site for a new daily jigsaw puzzle plus thousands of others to choose from, you have a choice of 6 to 247 peices which make the puzzles ideal for the very young to the very old.
If you don't like the puzzle cut that I have chosen you can change it after opening the puzzle, and when your done the puzzle just left click on your back button if you want to return to this page.
For the CLIPART used CREDITS go to: "BRODERBUND"Print Shop 20 (CD), "BRODERBUND" Print Master Select (CD) and Smiley Central. For other clipart that I've used I've provided their LINKS below, these are some of the best free sites on the internet and you are sure to find whatever it is that you are looking for.I have also used clipart from other providers and unfortunately I wasn't very good at keeping track of what I got or from whom (although I am getting better at that now) so if you should notice yours please leave a comment with your web address and I will gladly add it to the credits or remove it if that is your wish, with my apologies.